Appendix 7
Amalgamation of Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School and Wavell Community Junior School, through the technical closure of Wavell Community Junior School as a separate entity, and the enlargement and change of age range of Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School to create a single 3 -11 primary school across both sites.
Part 1 – Wavell Community Junior School – Discontinuance
Notice is given in accordance with section 15(1) of the Education and Inspections
Act 2006 that North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD, intends to discontinue Wavell Community Junior School, Wavell Road, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, DL9 3BJ on 7 April 2024.
Part 2 – Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School – Enlargement and Change of Age Range
Notice is given in accordance with section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections
Act 2006 that North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE, intends to enlarge and alter the age range of Catterick Garrison, Wavell Community Infant School, Wavell Road, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD on 8 April 2024. The current capacity of the school is 216 and the proposed capacity will be 420. The current number of pupils registered at the school is 105. The current admission number for the school is 72 and the proposed admission number will be 60. The current age range of the school is 3-7 and the proposed age range will be 3 -11.
The proposals contained in Parts One and Two of this notice are all related.
Copies of the complete proposals can be obtained from: Strategic Planning - Children and Young People's Service, North Yorkshire Council, County
Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD and are available on the Council's website at
Within four weeks from the date of publication of these proposals in Parts One and Two, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Strategic Planning - Children and Young People's Service, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD, or emailing by 5pm on 9 October 2023.
Signed: B. Khan
Assistant Chief Executive
(Legal and Democratic
Publication Date: 11 September 2023